Commercial Diving

Link to Commercial Diving Website:

All the commercial diving I do is with a tank, but that doesn't make free diving any less fun

Inspecting and cleaning in Ptwon harbor



I have been diving recreationally since I cot certified back when I was in high school.  Over the years, I have acquired all my own gear, and have gotten comfortable diving in the cold murky Massachusetts waters.  During the summer of 2020, a friend asked if I would inspect their mooring chain and block, and from there I started advertising a bit and getting my name out as a commercial diver.  I made some business cards and a website and went and talked to the local harbormasters.  The summer of 2022, I did substantially more commercial diving than in the past, relocating a couple helical moorings, cleaning and inspecting a 120ft motor yacht, and more.  It's been a great way to put my skills and equipment to use, meet some interesting people, and spend more time underwater.